Intro & topics   |   3 topics
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3 topics and summaries assignment

For this assignment, you have not yet committed to a topic. You are at the brainstorming stage.

  • Choose 3 topics that sound interesting to you.

    Browse the Intro & topics page. At least one topic should be from this list of suggested topics. This includes any of the Project Drawdown solutions too!

    For the other two topics: You may pick another 1 or 2 from the list of topics. And you may pick 1 or 2 topics of your own choosing.

    Read widely about possible topic. Some starting places:

    • See the our Good Library Research Guide for starting points on your topic.
    • Other good, in-depth sites, but pitched to a general audience, include: e360,
    • See this list of suggested sources. Concentrate on the High quality, general audience sources, and research guides listed on that page.
    • Tip: If you don't already know how to search any particular website, here's an example:

      Tip: Save a pdf copy of each article you want to refer back to in a folder on your Google drive. If the article is in PDF form already great. Otherwise you can "Print to PDF" to save it that way. Then, using Notability, you can highlight it / mark it up / take notes on it.

      What you'll hand in

      Explore 3 possible topics. For each one:

      • Write up a topic title and 2-3 sentences describing the topic, and what you'd like to focus on.
      • Find, and then summarize 3 articles -- 1 for each of the possible topics.
        • You may use a bulleted list or write a few sentences.
        • Include *informal* bibliographic information (e.g. a URL to an online article): This is not bibliographic info like you'd include in a paper. However, enough information that your reader can find the article that you read.

      Also, be sure to indicate which of the 3 topics you currently find most interesting!