Hot water on a cold day

Extra-credit assignment

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

Here in January (2025) some of the days are getting down into the single digits (Fahrenheit). Hey, this is an opportunity! If you've never seen it before, try this--on a day below 20${}^\circ$ F (below -7 C for those who grew up in the metric system):

  1. Boil about a cup of water in a mug or a pan.
  2. Take it outside.
  3. Toss it up in the air! For safety, please, please: Do not throw it upwind (boiling water lands on you)! Do not throw it towards others (boiling water lands on friends or pets)!

Do this with someone else. One of you can throw the water and one of you can make a phone camera video. Upload the video in Moodle, and write who all was involved. (Only one of you needs to turn something in.)

Wonder about what's going on! (But you don't have to write anything about that...)