Laboratory practices

Some suggestions and guidelines to make the lab go smoothly


You'll work in groups of 2. With one group of 3 as necessary. I'll assign (randomly) lab partners.

Labs will usually be due on the Thursday night, one week after your lab day.


We're experimenting with using your iPads as your lab notebooks this semester, so bring them to every lab.

  • Here are the instructions for Notability: It should already be installed on every GC-issued iPad. This tells you how to use it.
  • Here is the Archive of lab pdfs. You'll go here to download a .pdf file for a particular lab.
  • Using notability you can write / type / sketch / insert photos / insert new pages and more in the .pdf file for a particular lab.

Handing in your labs

When you've completed your lab, make sure to add the names of everyone who worked together into your pdf.

Then one person can upload the lab for the group

Each week, vary who hands in the lab. (Vary roles so that everyone is doing some of everything eventually.)

Other useful tips

Ask your lab assistant to check over your work to see if you forgot anything *before* you take apart your apparatus, or put everything back where you got it from.

If you run out of "room" to write things in your pdf... Just insert another blank page in your lab .pdf and write on there.

Anything unexpected or any questions that came up? Insert another page in your lab .pdf and make some comments / write something.