How2 hotwire "Being the Change: Live Well..."
By Peter Kalmus
Is an excellent book, written by a living, Buddhist-meditating, working climate scientist working at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.
Kalmus is idealistic enough to give his book away. But he uses a low-contrast gray font color on a white background that I find almost unreadable on certain screens.
If you're using the Chrome browser, there's a simple (but not obvious) way to fix this:
Hotwiring a web page
Your first reading assigment is in Chapter 3. Global Warming: The Science
In the Chrome browser, click on the link above to open the page. Then follow these instructions:
- Right-click anywere in the gray body text. Choose Inspect from the menu that pops up.
- Your window will split in half, and you'll see a dark screen that looks like you've entered a movie about computer hackers. You're looking at the CSS styles used by that far-off website to control the text and layout of the page.
- Look for a text box (just under "Styles") containing the text "Filter". That's essentially a search box.
Click on the word 'Filter' and type in global-color-text. Several lines containing that text will be highlighted. The screen should look like this:
- Find the highlighted line where the color #7A7A7A is circled in red.
- Click on #7A7A7A. Delete that text and just type in black instead.
Voila! The formerly gray text should have turned black. You can now click the Xat the top right of the Inspector window, and go ahead and read your text with a tranquil eye and mind.
[If you close the page and come back to it again, you'll need to repeat this again. It won't 'stick' to the webpage.]