- Paleontology - the study of ancient, pre-historic life.
- Paleoclimatology - the study of ancient, pre-historic climate.
Icehouse Earth and Greenhouse Earth
Some questions for you to look into about Earth's paleoclimate...Scientists claim that Earth's climate has varied between icehouse and greenhouse conditions.
- What distinguishes icehouse and greenhouse climate states?
- Based on the definitions, which one are we in now?
- About what percentage of Earth's geologic history has been in the icehouse state? in the greenhouse state?
- What are some factors that are thought to cause Earth to switch from one to the other?
- Is what we call "the Ice Age" the same as the icehouse state? and now that we're out of the ice age are we in a greenhouse state?
Earliest Earth
What do we know about the vast expanse of Earth's history?
- Earth is approximately 4.6 billion (4,600 million) years old.
By the start of the Archean eon 4-2.5 billion years ago (YA)--1/3 of Earth's history! -- Earth's crust cooled enough for rocks to form.
- Nitrogen ~ the same as today
- Practically no Oxygen.
- $CO_2$ 10-2500 times today.
- $CH_4$ (methane) 100-10,000 times today.
- Sun dimmer: ~70% of today.
- 2.5-1.9 billion YA, photosynthetic cyanobacteria were responsible for The Great Oxygenation Event: Atmospheric $O_2$ rises from less than 1 ppm ($10^{-4}$%) to about ~2%. Atmospheric carbon switched from predominantly $CH_4$ to predominantly $CO_2$.
Red: highest estimate of $O_2$
Green: lowest estimate of $O_2$
- Cambrian 541 million YA - first animals in the ocean.
- Ordovician - first land plants (471 million years ago), mosses and liverworts (non-vascular plants), plunged Earth into an ice age as $RCO_2$ dropped from 22$\to$8.
- Devonian era 419 million YA - Free sporing vascular land plants develop, and mark the beginning of plant spread on land, forming vast forests.
All the continents were below the equator! - Age of the dinosaurs, started about 245 million YA. End of the dinosaurs: 65 million YA a massive asteroid strike leaves the Chicxulub crater.
Temperatures and $CO_2$ over the last 540 million years
"$RCO_2$" means ratio of $CO_2$ levels to pre-industrial (~300 ppm).
$RCO_2=20$ means "20 times as much $CO_2$ as pre-industrial.
$RCO_2=416/300 = 1.4$ today (2019).
(Berner, Science, 1997)
See Earth's Climate System, Salawitch, et. al (2017), who produced this graph:
Glen Fergus, WikiMedia Commons
Temperature, Sea level, and $CO_2$ in just the last 400,000 years
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